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Public Notice

St. Stephen Fire Department

St. Stephen Fire Department (SSFD) staff work on a rotation that ensures that that the town is protected twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.

The Fire Department consists of six career firefighters and approximately 24 volunteers. The six career firefighters include the Chief, four driver dispatchers, and one firefighter. Four of our career firefighters also act as volunteer firefighters on their days off. Among the volunteer firefighters are our Asst. Chief, Captain, three Lieutenants, and a chaplain. Several of our volunteers are what we call double hatters, in that they volunteer for more than one fire department. Each night, two volunteer firefighters sleep in the station, allowing for a rapid response during the overnight hours.


Fire Pits within Ward 2 limits require a permit, which can be obtained from the St. Stephen Fire Department.  


Wards 1 and 3:

Grass fires require permits, written burn plans and pre-inspection by a GNB Forest Service Officer.

See Burning Permits (Fire Season) ( for more information.