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Kids shooting hoops

Parks and Recreation

Having places to relax, play, and be active is important to people—so the measure of any community is the quality of parks, trails, playgrounds, and green spaces that residents have access to. In this regard, St. Stephen is thriving indeed, with an abundance of park riches. Our beautiful waterfront and newly renovated public wharf provide our residents and visitors with breathtaking, panoramic views of the St. Croix River and our neighbours in Calais. 

To request a rental of one of our green spaces, please complete a rental request form, email or go online to for more information.   

Municipal District of St. Stephen owned playgrounds

David Alison Ganong Chocolate Park
Abbott Street Tot Lot
Elm Park Tot Lot

Anglophone South School District owned playgrounds

Milltown Elementary School
St. Stephen Elementary School

Sports fields, parks and green spaces

Sports fields open mid- to late-May, weather permitting. To prevent damage to fields, “Field Closed” signs are posted in wet conditions. If you see any issues, damage, or vandalism at our sports fields, playgrounds, or green spaces, please call the Community Services Department. 

Centennial Park
Cove Park
Dover Hill Park
Elm Street Nature Park
Jake Donahue Park
Memorial Park
Riverside Drive Park
Rotary Field

NOTE: We hope all residents enjoy our abundance of parks! But remember to use them responsibly. MDSS Use of Public Parks By-Law No. 15-23 prohibits using parks between sunset and sunrise; prohibits the tampering and destruction of public property; prohibits the use of motor vehicles and bicycles in all areas not designated for such usage; and also prohibits littering.