public notice
Notice of Special Meeting
Committee of the Whole Meeting
Local Governance Act Authorization Section 15(3)
Instead of being read in its entirety, a summary of a by-Law may be read if
- a notice has been given in a manner specified in Section 70, twice a week for two weeks, that
- describes the proposed by-law by title and generally by subject matter,
- states that the proposed by-law may be examined
- In the office of the clerk during regular office hours, and
- on the local government’s website, if the local government has posted it on its website;
- at least 14 days have elapsed between the day on which the notice is first given and the day on which the by-law is to be read for the third time by title; and
- no member of council objects.
BY-LAW NO. MDSS 16-23: A by-law to impose a Business Improvement Levy on all non-residential property within the Business Improvement Area of the local government that is liable to taxation under the Assessment Act.
A copy of By-Law No. MDSS 16-23 can be viewed at the Clerk’s Office at the Municipal District Office at 22 Budd Avenue, St. Stephen, NB E3L 1E9 Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. A copy of By-Law No. 16-23 can also be viewed
No Councillor objects to the posting for reading by title for Second and Third Reading of By-Law No. MDSS 16-23, which is scheduled for Wednesday, November 29, 2023.
Local Governance Act Authorization Section 15(3)
Instead of being read in its entirety, a summary of a by-Law may be read if
- a notice has been given in a manner specified in Section 70, twice a week for two weeks, that
- describes the proposed by-law by title and generally by subject matter,
- states that the proposed by-law may be examined
- In the office of the clerk during regular office hours, and
- on the local government’s website, if the local government has posted it on its website;
- at least 14 days have elapsed between the day on which the notice is first given and the day on which the by-law is to be read for the third time by title; and
- no member of council objects.
BY-LAW NO. 15-23: A by-law that applies to parks and parking lots in the Municipal District and owned by the municipality.
A copy of By-Law No. 15-23 can be viewed at the Clerk’s Office at the Municipal District Office at 22 Budd Avenue, St. Stephen, NB E3L 1E9 Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. A copy of By-Law No. 15-23 can also be viewed at
No Councillor objects to the posting for reading by title for Third Reading of By-Law No. 15-23, which is scheduled for Wednesday, November 29, 2023.