New From St. Stephen Aquatics:
Introducing our New, FREE, After School Aquatics Programming for Kids in Grades 6, 7 & 8!
Register TODAY for the FREE 2025 After School Aquatics Program!
Thanks to the early success of our new After School Aquatics Program (ASAP), we have decided to renew the program for the rest of the 2024/2025 school year!
The new session will start on January 6th and end on June 19th running Monday - Thursday from 3PM-4PM.
Spots are limited to 16, so reserve your spot for the new year before they fill up!
Sessions will include:
In-water volleyball, Water polo, Relays and races, Obstacle courses, Lifesaving Sport, In-water basketball and much, much more!!
Call: 506-467-3030 x120

How St. Stephen Aquatics Compares to the Rest of New Brunswick...

We are excited to share the 2023 statistics compiled by the Lifesaving Society of New Brunswick! 2023 saw a significant increase in aquatic programming and registration across the province, and St. Stephen was no exception! When compared to 2022, the St. Stephen Aquatics & Programming Dept. saw a significant jump across the board in its standing with the New Brunswick Lifesaving Society's program participation.
So far in 2024, we are already on pace to well surpass the programming achievements of 2023, and we plan to continue to grow our presence in the province beyond this.
Thank you to all of the fantastic staff members and course participants who have helped us to grow our programming so much. We look forward to continuing to build up the aquatic programming and opportunities available in our community for years to come!
You can find more information on provincial rankings on the Lifesaving Society's website at this link: /
Special Olympics - YOUTH Division
Practices run every Tuesday from 6:00-7:30PM & Friday from 1:30-3:00.
Questions? Email: OR Text: 506-467-7446

Registration Documents for Special Olympics AND Special Olympics YOUTH Division:
Special Olympics has a New Home in St. Stephen!
The St. Stephen Wildcats Special Olympic team is coming back for the 2024-2025 season!! Practices will be on Tuesdays from 6:00-7:30PM, and for those able to attend, a second session on Friday from 1:30-3:00PM. Registration opens on Monday, September 25th at 10:00AM and only costs $95.00 for the full season!

Not sure if Special Olympics is for you?? Your first session with our team and Coaches is absolutely FREE so YOU can see if Special Olympics is right for you! Whether you're looking to compete or just to stay fit and have fun, St. Stephen's Special Olympics team "The Wildcats" is your gateway to better Aquatic Programming!
Fitness Swimmer is BACK!!
Fitness Swimmer is a great way to get high quality, low impact exercise! Whether you are looking to work on cardiac fitness, general fitness, strength training, or just a fun way to keep in shape with trained coaches and swim instructors, Fitness Swimmer is here for you!! A full session of 31 weeks costs only $52.50 as a one time fee!! Don't wait for new years to get started on resolutions, start with the St. Stephen Aquatic Staff today!!
Not sure if Fitness Swimmer is for you? Join us for your first session absolutely FREE!!

Want to Become a Lifeguard/Instructor? Here's How!!

Upcoming Courses:
Junior Lifeguard:
Spring Session: April 26 - May 11: Saturdays & Sundays 9:00AM-3:00PM

Junior Lifeguard is broken into three levels, Junior Lifeguard Level 1, which is for swimmers 12 and under who have not been registered in a Junior Lifeguard program previously, Junior Lifeguard Level 2, which is for swimmers 13+, OR who have completed Junior Lifeguard Level 1, and Junior Lifeguard Level 3, which is for swimmers who have completed Junior Lifeguard Level 2. Swimmers who successfully complete Junior Lifeguard Level 3 and are 14+ are eligible to work with the St. Stephen Aquatics & Programming Dept. as an Assistant Lifeguard.
Junior Lifeguard levels certify swimmers in the following Lifesaving Society courses
- Junior Lifeguard Level 1: Bronze Star
- Junior Lifeguard Level 2: Bronze Medallion & Emergency First Aid
- Junior Lifeguard Level 3: Bronze Cross & Standard First Aid
Please Register in the Appropriate Junior Lifeguard level below. Not sure which Junior Lifeguard level to enroll in? Lets us know!
Email:, or call 467-3030 x120 to learn more!
Junior Lifeguard Level 1:
Spring Session: April 26 - May 11: Saturdays & Sundays 9:00AM-3:00PM

Too young to enroll in Junior Lifeguard Level 2, but looking to start your lifeguarding/lifesaving adventure? Start with Junior Lifeguard Level 1 (Bronze Star) with the St. Stephen Aquatics & Programming Dept.!!
To Register in the March Break Course, CLICK HERE!!
To Register in the Spring Session Course, CLICK HERE!!
Course Fee: $80.00 Tax-in
Junior Lifeguard Level 2 + Emergency First Aid:
Spring Session: April 26 - May 11: Saturdays & Sundays 9:00AM-3:00PM

Junior Lifeguard Level 2 is the first of the mandatory National Lifeguard Service and Swim Instructor pre-requisite courses. Candidates must be 13 by the date of the class exam (the end of the course) to enroll OR have successfully completed Junior Lifeguard Level 1 (Bronze Star).
To Register in the March Break Course, CLICK HERE!!
To Register in the Spring Session Course, CLICK HERE!!
For information on Junior Lifeguard Level 2 (Bronze Medallion) course & age requirements, click HERE.
Course Fee: $80.00 Tax-in
Junior Lifeguard Level 3 + Standard First Aid:
Spring Session: April 26 - May 11: Saturdays & Sundays 9:00AM-3:00PM

Become an Assistant Lifeguard with the St. Stephen Aquatics Department! Take your Junior Lifeguard Level 3 (Bronze Cross) course with us and get the last pre-requisite certification for your National Lifeguard Service course AND your Fundy Tots Instructor & Fundy Swim Instructor courses.
To Register in the March Break Course, CLICK HERE!!
To Register in the Spring Session Course, CLICK HERE!!
For information on Junior Lifeguard Level 3 (Bronze Cross) course & age requirements, click HERE.
Course Fee: $80.00 Tax-in
National Lifeguard Service (NLS)
Next Course: May 24 - June 15: Saturdays & Sundays 9:00AM-5:00PM
Want to become a Lifeguard or Supervisor with St. Stephen Aquatcs?? This is where you start!! Learn more by contacting, texting 467-7446 or calling 467-3030 x120!

To register in a National Lifeguard Service course, candidates must be a minimum of 15 years old as of the last day of the course, and must have previously taken and passed a Junior Lifeguard Level 3 (Bronze Cross) and Standard First Aid course. The course fee for a National Lifeguard Service course is $293.00 (tax-in), however, course fees are waived for current employees. Candidates holding a current Junior Lifeguard Level 3 (Bronze Cross) certification and a Standard First Aid certification may apply for employment to have their course fee waived. For more information on employment opportunities, please email:, or call: 506-467-3030 x120.
For more information on National Lifeguard Service course & age requirements, please click HERE.
Course Registration:
To Register in the Spring Session Course, CLICK HERE!!
Already Certified and need a Re-Cert? CLICK HERE!!
Assistant Instructor Course
Next Course: May 16-18: Friday: 4:00PM-8:00PM, Saturday & Sunday: 9:00AM-6:00PM

Become a Fundy Assistant Swim Instructor (FASI) with us!
This course will also certify you as a Lifesaving Society Assistant Swim Instructor, in addition to FASI! Take your first steps toward teaching the next generation of swimmers with your Fundy Assistant Swim Instructor course. In this course, you will learn the basics of instruction, swim skills and how a swimming lesson functions. This course is the mandatory prerequisite for Fundy Tots Instructor and Fundy Swim Instructor.
Looking to start working as an assistant instructor with us? Inquire at:, or call 467-3030 x120.
Course Fee: $80.00 Tax-in
Swim Instructor Course:
Next Course: June 23-27: Monday - Friday 9:00AM-5:00PM

Become a Fundy Tots Instructor (FTI) and/or a Fundy Swim instructor (FSI) with us!
This course will also certify you as a Lifesaving Society Swim Instructor, in addition to FTI AND FSI! Learn to teach children, teens and adults how to swim here at the Garcelon Civic Center and anywhere else in Canada! To register in FTI and/or FSI, you MUST hold a Fundy Assistant Swim Instructor certification. The course fee for FTI/FSI combined is $150.00 tax-in. Course fees are waived for current employees with the St. Stephen Aquatics and Programming Dept.
To Register, CLICK HERE!!
Looking to start working as an instructor with us? Inquire at:, or call 467-3030 x120.
First Aid Courses
Next Course: June 23-27: Monday - Friday 9:00AM-5:00PM

The Aquatics & Programming Dept. offers a wide variety of first aid courses! Our course offerings include Emergency First Aid with CPR-B, Workplace Standard First Aid with CPR-C, CPR-HCP (Healthcare Provider level CPR) and Airway Management, which includes training on oxygen systems, suction, and oropharyngeal airways. For more information on our courses, please email:, or call (506) 467-3030 x120. Please see a list of our current course offerings below:
Emergency First Aid with CPR-B: No Courses Currently Scheduled.
Workplace Standard First Aid with CPR-C: April 12 & 13: 7:30AM-4:00PM - CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
CPR-HCP (Helathcare Provider): There are no courses currently scheduled.
Airway Management (Standard First AId with CPR-C is a Prerequisite): No Courses Currently Scheduled.
Advanced Instructor Certifications

Advanced Instructor certifications include Lifesaving Instructor (LSI), National Lifeguard Instructor (NLI), First Aid Instructor (FAI) and Examiner level certifications. All of these can be taken right here in St. Stephen!! See what we have currently scheduled listed below!
Not sure what certifications you need to enroll in these courses? Find YOUR Advanced Instructor pathway by CLICKING HERE!!
Lifesaving Instructor Course: There are no courses currently scheduled.
Lifesaving & First Aid Instructor Course: There are no courses currently scheduled.
First Aid Instructor Course: There are no courses currently scheduled.
National Lifeguard Instructor Course: There are no courses currently scheduled.
National Lifeguard Instructor & Examiners Course: There are no courses currently scheduled.
Examiners Course: There are no courses currently scheduled.
Swimming Lessons

Not sure what to enroll in next? Click here to find out!

Spring 2025 Swimming Lessons are Almost Here...
The Spring Session of Swimming Lessons is Coming up Fast!!
Registration for the Spring Session of swimming lessons starts soon, with Saturday lessons starting on April 26th and Wednesday lessons starting on April 23.
Registration for Wednesday classes will open on April 3rd at 10AM and close on April 17th at 2PM, while registration for Saturday lessons will open on April 7th at 10AM and close on April 24th at 2PM.
Spring Session Lesson Times & Registration Links Listed Below:
Caregiver Attended Classes:

Member (GCC) Pricing: $52.50/session
Non-Member Pricing (GCC): $56.70/session
Saturdays: 9:00-9:30 Split with Frog - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 10:25-10:55 Split with Frog & Duck - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 3:00-3:30 Split with Frog - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Saturdays: 9:00-9:30 Split with Salamander - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 10:25-10:55 Split with Salamander & Duck - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 3:00-3:30 Split with Salamander- Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Saturdays: 10:25-10:55 Split with Salamander & Frog- Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 11:20-11:50 Split with Seahorse & Salmon - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 3:35-4:05 Split with Seahorse & Salmon - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Saturdays: 11:20-11:50 Split with Duck & Salmon - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 3:35-4:05 Split with Duck & Salmon - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Saturdays: 11:20-11:50 Split with Duck & Seahorse - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 3:35-4:05 Split with Duck & Seahorse - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Aqua-Tots Levels (No caregiver in water):

Member (GCC) Pricing: $59.85/session
Non-Member Pricing (GCC): $61.95/session
Saturdays: 9:35-10:05 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 9:50-10:20 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 11:55-12:25 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 12:30-1:00 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 2:55-3:25 (Split with Turtle) - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Wednesdays: 4:10-4:40 - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Saturdays: 9:50-10:20 (Split with Otter) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 11:35-12:05 (Split with Otter) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 12:30-1:00 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 2:55-3:25 (Split with Lobster) - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Wednesdays: 4:45-5:15 (Split with Otter) - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Saturdays: 9:50-10:20 (Split with Turtle) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 11:35-12:05 (Split with Turtle) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 12:25-12:55 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 4:45-5:15 (Split with Turtle) - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Saturdays: 11:35-12:05 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Manta Ray:
Saturdays: 10:45-11:15 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Swim Level (Lower-Level):

Member (GCC) Pricing: $66.15/session
Non-Member Pricing (GCC): $68.25/session
Swim Level 1:
Saturdays: 10:10-10:40 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 11:15-11:45 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 11:50-12:20 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 12:10-12:40 (Split with SL-2) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM
Wednesdays: 3:30-4:00 - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Wednesdays: 4:40-5:10 - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Swim Level 2:
Saturdays: 9:35-10:05 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 10:10-10:40 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 11:15-11:45 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 12:10-12:40 (Split with SL-1) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 4:05-4:35 - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Swim Level 3:
Saturdays: 9:00-9:30 (Split with SL-4) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 10:40-11:10 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 11:50-12:20 (Split with SL-4) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 3:50-4:20 - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Swim Level 4:
Saturdays: 9:00-9:30 (Split with SL-3) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 11:00-11:30 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 11:50-12:20 (Split with SL-3) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 4:55-5:25 - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Swim Level (Higher-Level):

Member (GCC) Pricing: $68.25/session
Non-Member Pricing (GCC): $70.35/session
Swim Level 5:
Saturdays: 9:00-9:45 (Split with SL-6) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 10:25-11:10 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 4:15-5:00 (Split with SL-6) - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Swim Level 6:
Saturdays: 9:00-9:45 (Split with SL-5)- Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 11:15-12:00 (Split with SL-7) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 4:15-5:00 (Split with SL-5) - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Swim Level 7:
Saturdays: 9:00-9:45 (Split with SL-8) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 11:15-12:00 (Split with SL-6) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 5:05-5:50 (Split with SL-8) - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Swim Level 8:
Saturdays: 9:00-9:45 (Split with SL-7) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 10:45-11:30 (Split with SL-9) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 5:05-5:50 (Split with SL-7) - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Swim Level 9:
Saturdays: 9:00-9:45 (Split with SL-10) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Saturdays: 10:45-11:30 (Split with SL-8) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 5:15-6:00 (Split with SL-10) - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Swim Level 10:
Saturdays: 9:00-9:45 (Split with SL-9) - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 5:15-6:00 (Split with SL-9) - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Fundamentals Levels:

Fundamentals 1:
Saturdays: 9:00-9:45 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 5:15-6:00 - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Fundamentals 2:
Saturdays: 10:25-11:10 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 4:05-4:50 - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Fundamentals 3:
Saturdays: 9:50-10:35 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 4:25-5:10 - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Adult Swimming Lessons

Adult Swim Level 1: This level is for swimmers who may not yet be comfortable swimming or floating unassisted (either by an aid or instructor) in the pool, and or, who may be uncomfortable in the water in general/are non-swimmers.
Adult Swim Level 2: This level is for swimmers who are comfortable in the water, and can complete short distances (5m) of either one basic stroke, or doggy paddle/back swim.
Adult Swim Level 1 Registration:
Saturdays: 12:10PM-12:40PM - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 5:20-5:50 - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
Adult Swim Level 2 Registration:
Saturdays: 12:25-12:55 - Registration will open on April 7 at 10AM.
Wednesdays: 5:30-6:00 - Registration will open on April 3 at 10AM
For any questions, please email:, text: 467-7446, or call 467-3030 x120.
Know someone who may be interested in becoming an instructor with the St. Stephen Aquatics Dept.? Send them to us!! Email:, Text 467-7446 or Call 467-3030 x120
Transferring from another Swimming Lesson Program to Fundy Water Safety's?

No problem!! St. Stephen Aquatics makes it easy! Click the graphic above for the Fundy Water Safety Coversion Chart! The conversion chart will help you transition from the old Red Cross program, or the Lifesaving Society Swim for Life program easily!
Coming from a YMCA program, or other programs not listed on our conversion chart? Call 467-3030 x120 or email for assistance enrolling in our swimming lesson program.
Great Barrier Busters is BACK!!

Register TODAY for the Winter Session of Great Barrier Busters!!
Registration is now open for the Winter 2025 Session of Great Barrier Busters. The Winter Session will run from January 25 - April 5, with no classes running on the Family Day weekend.
Available Sessions:
Saturdays: 1:00PM-1:30PM
Saturdays: 1:30PM-2:00PM
How do you register?
- Download the application form below or pick one up in-person at the GCC.
- Once your application is complete, send it to, or drop if off at the GCC.
- Once we have your application, we will review it to determine if the program is right for you.
- If your application is approved, you will either be sent a link for registration online, or contacted in another manner to inform you of the acceptance, at which point you can enroll at the GCC.
Call: 506-467-3030 x120
Great Barrier Busters
Great Barrier Busters is an all-inclusive one-on-one swimming lesson program for children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Global Development Delay, Cerebral Palsy, etc. All of our Barrier Busting instructors have attended our in-house training course. We are very proud of this program, so we are happy to answer any of your questions, try reaching out at either, or 467-3030 x120. We hope to have you join us and become a Great Barrier Buster!

The Home of Fundy Water Safety
The St. Stephen Aquatics Department is home to all Fundy Water Safety aquatic programming! Proudly developed by our own instructors, supervisors and management, Fundy Water Safety was developed to replace the now defunct Red Cross aquatic programming. We developed Fundy Water Safety through 2021 and 2022 to address the lack of high quality swimming lessons, and swim instructor courses available.
Why Fundy Water Safety? Our program teaches more strokes & skills than any other widely available program and teaches them over a more comprehensive range of swim levels, to a higher standard than any other aquatic programming. Our goal is to provide high quality instruction from well trained Fundy Tots and Fundy Swim Instructors. We hope to inspire a life long love of swimming in all of our swimmers and in our community through our Funday Water Safety programming. Fundy Water Safety and the Municipal District of St. Stephen Aquatics Department believe that no swimmer should be left behind, whether they swim competitively, learn to save a life, or swim just for the love of swimming, we hope to set you and everyone else up for success in the water! Want to know more about Fundy Water Safety and/or the Municipal District of St. Stephen Aquatics Department? Call 467-3030 x120, text 467-7446 or email, we would love to hear from you!

About our Aquatics Facilities
St. Stephen has two swimming facilities operated by the town, each perfect for a splash around with the kids, lap swimming, lessons, or just a quick dip. Both also offer swimming lessons throughout the year.
The Garcelon Civic Center Kiwanis Aquatic Center is an indoor facility at 22 Budd Ave. It consists of two pools, one slide, and two dry saunas. The W.T. Booth Centennial Pool, at 10 Mill Lane, is an outdoor facility that’s open during the summer months.
Interested in competitive swimming? Check out our Shark Attack swim team.
For information on Garcelon Civic Center Swim Schedules, Rental Availablility and Aqua Fitness Classes, Please Click Here.

For more information on W.T. Booth Centennial Pool (Milltown Outdoor Pool) Swim Schedules, Rental Availability and Aqua Fitness Classes, Please Click Here!

For Information on Summer Outdoor Recreation Programming, Click Here!