Murals are large-scale artworks created directly on a wall, or attached to it, with the permission of the property owner. Outdoor murals have proven to be effective in managing graffitie vandalism, supporting arts and culture, contributing to economic development and providing youth engagement opportunities.
The purpose of this program is to beautify the Municipal District of St. Stephen through the design, production and facilitation of murals.
Local Governance Act Authorization Section 15(3)
Instead of being read in its entirety, a summary of a by-Law may be read if
- a notice has been given in a manner specified in Section 70, twice a week for two weeks, that
- describes the proposed by-law by title and generally by subject matter,
- states that the proposed by-law may be examined
- In the office of the clerk during regular office hours, and
- on the local government’s website, if the local government has posted it on its website;
- at least 14 days have elapsed between the day on which the notice is first given and the day on which the by-law is to be read for the third time by title; and
- no member of council objects.
BY-LAW NO. MDSS 16-23: A by-law to impose a Business Improvement Levy on all non-residential property within the Business Improvement Area of the local government that is liable to taxation under the Assessment Act.
A copy of By-Law No. MDSS 16-23 can be viewed at the Clerk’s Office at the Municipal District Office at 22 Budd Avenue, St. Stephen, NB E3L 1E9 Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. A copy of By-Law No. 16-23 can also be viewed
No Councillor objects to the posting for reading by title for Second and Third Reading of By-Law No. MDSS 16-23, which is scheduled for Wednesday, November 29, 2023.
Local Governance Act Authorization Section 15(3)
Instead of being read in its entirety, a summary of a by-Law may be read if
- a notice has been given in a manner specified in Section 70, twice a week for two weeks, that
- describes the proposed by-law by title and generally by subject matter,
- states that the proposed by-law may be examined
- In the office of the clerk during regular office hours, and
- on the local government’s website, if the local government has posted it on its website;
- at least 14 days have elapsed between the day on which the notice is first given and the day on which the by-law is to be read for the third time by title; and
- no member of council objects.
BY-LAW NO. 15-23: A by-law that applies to parks and parking lots in the Municipal District and owned by the municipality.
A copy of By-Law No. 15-23 can be viewed at the Clerk’s Office at the Municipal District Office at 22 Budd Avenue, St. Stephen, NB E3L 1E9 Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. A copy of By-Law No. 15-23 can also be viewed at
No Councillor objects to the posting for reading by title for Third Reading of By-Law No. 15-23, which is scheduled for Wednesday, November 29, 2023.
Town of St. Stephen
Special Meeting of Council
Public Hearing of Objections to be held on
Wednesday September 28th, 2022, 5:00 P.M.
In-Person Meeting
The Council of the Town of St. Stephen, in compliance with Section 111 of the Community Planning Act of the Province of New Brunswick, intends to hold a Public Hearing of Objections and/or Comments for the proposed consolidated Zoning By-law No. Z-3 on Wednesday September 28th, 2022, 5:00 P.M.
The propose of the Zoning By-law No. Z-3 is to consolidate past map amendments and introduce a series of updates/corrections/changes to the provisions of the current zoning by-law (Z-2).
A copy of Zoning By-law No. Z-3 may be inspected upon request at 22 Budd Ave, St. Stephen, NB, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday.
Public participation can take place in Two (2) ways:
#1 Participation in Meeting:
If you would like to provide comments during the public meeting in-person, you are encouraged to register your attendance by emailing
#2 Participation Through Letters:
Anyone wishing to offer comments on this proposed By-law may do so writing by noon on September 28th, 2022, either through email to or by mail to 22 Budd Ave, St. Stephen, NB E3L 1E9.
More information regarding the proposed changes can be found in the August 31st, 2022 council package Town Meetings | St. Stephen, New Brunswick ( or see filestream.ashx (