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St. Stephen Waterfront

Planning & Development

In life, the most impressive accomplishments are typically based on the most thoughtful plans. Likewise in town—St. Stephen’s economic, social, and physical development goals can only be achieved through strategic planning. Planning addresses and guides the development of land, conservation, cultural resources, facilities, infrastructure, services, transportation, and future growth. 

In St. Stephen, planning is an open process. That means it relies on public participation. It’s done with a view to promote the public interest and the community’s overall well-being. The Municipal District of St. Stephen uses planning by-laws to ensure the vision for the community becomes a reality. The Municipal Plan and Zoning are the primary by-laws that guide and direct the development of the town.

The Southwest New Brunswick Service Commission provides planning and development services to the Municipal District of St. Stephen. Their staff provide independent and professional planning advice and development approvals. Building permits are issued on the basis of compliance with the town’s planning by-laws. Applications for new building or developments in town are received directly by the Commission.

Public Notice

The Council of Municipal District of St. Stephen hereby provides public notice that they intend to adopt By-law No. M-4, the Municipal District of St. Stephen Municipal Plan By-law, in accordance with New Brunswick Community Planning Act, SNB 2017, c. 19.

The public presentation of proposed new Municipal Plan will take place at a meeting of Council on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, in the Council Chambers, 22 Budd Avenue, St. Stephen at 6:00 p.m. The public may attend in-person.

The Community Planning Act requires that local governments adopt a municipal plan for future development within their territories. This municipal plan covers the new boundaries of the Municipal District of St. Stephen and this by-law repeals and replaces existing planning by-laws.

Digital Copies of By-law:

Procedure for Feedback:

After a public presentation of Bylaw No. M-4 has taken place, a 30-day public comment period is initiated. The Municipal Plan document reflecting the proposed changes will be available for public inspection between March 12, 2025, and April 25, 2025. Residents may inspect a physical copy of the document between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the Garcelon Civic Center at 22 Budd Avenue, St. Stephen, or by visiting:  Written objections to the proposed by-law may be made to Council, in the care of the undersigned until 4:00 p.m. on April 25, 2025. 


Celeste Caswell, Municipal District of St. Stephen, 22 Budd Avenue, St. Stephen, NB E3L 1E9, 
